Presentation av min portfölj:

Community PHERO:

Under bearbetning.

KSP är ett försäkringssystem för en Funktionell Rättsstat i en Demokratisk Nation.

Baserad på en gemenskap av elever, studenter och forskare i en republik av lärande.

Norden ska upptäckas, vårdas, omhändertas, njutas, vaktas, utvecklas, bebos och befruktas.

I Norden ska jag vara Din värd.


KSP ska skapa en infra struktur för att göra något tillgängligt för alla.

På basis av de vedertagna demokratiska grunderna, göra hela nationen tillgänglig för alla. 

Implementera spelregler för att uppfylla kriterierna för tesen att ‘alla människor är jämlika'. 

Nationens varande genom ‘Staten’, är det rådande tillståndet för hela fastighetsbeståndet som avgränsas inom det reglerade luftrummet och de territoriella geografiska gränserna. 

På demokratiska grunder - tillämpa ‘Transparent Functionalism’. 


Politologi – Baserad på Deklarationen om Mänskliga Rättigheterna 

1. Nationens huvudstad i Norrland
2. Åtalsfrihet (vid ej grova brott) för alla i lära 

3. Åtta - tio vånings hög Universe City @upsala
4. Skuldfri skolgång och högre utbildning
5. En maximal arbetslöshet som främjar utbildning


Nationens Medborgare
Regionens Landsmän och -kvinnor samt

Kommunens Medlemmar 

Skolans konkurrenter:



Svenska Kyrkan/Kristna kyrkan 




KSP skall på kosmopolitiska villkor erbjuda ett tryggt och bekvämt boende och omhändertagande i Sverige och Norden, samt vara en pålitlig värd, väktare och vårdare på svenska och nordiska villkor. 

KSP skall på svenska och nordiska villkor, försäkra ett tryggt och bekvämt boende för svenska och nordiska medborgarna utomlands. 

Skolan är PHERO.

Skolans ordspråk:

Just Play the Game

Skolan ska verka för en saklig, objektiv och opartisk

lärande och vidta åtgärder mot en ensidig inriktning,

med negativ bibetydelse. 

Utbildningens övergripande mål:

'Att ge goda kunskaper och färdigheter, på jakt efter

sanningen, med sikte på framtiden'. 

Skolans verksamhetsbeskrivning.

Enligt arbetsformerna kommer att karaktärisera

skolans undervisning präglad av innehållet i

karaktärsämnena men också av lärarnas förmåga att

kunna betona urvalet av innehållet och undervisningens

kontextualisering, dvs vilken mening och vilket

sammanhang undervisningsinnehållet ges.

Detta kan innebära en analys av olika sätt att uppfatta

exempelvis ett och samma skolämne över tid, att

systematisera dessa olika sätt och på sätt erhålla

en helhetssyn och en förståelse för ämnet eller

innehållsområdet i fråga.

Skolans profil/inriktning

Skolans profil har nyckelorden

Konstnärlig, kulturell, samhällsvetenskaplig,

naturvetenskaplig, politisk, underhållande, kvalitet,

filosofisk, estetisk, teknisk, ingenjörskonst,  mm 

Studieprogram/program med ev inriktning

Utbildningar motsvarar Estetik programmet, Filosofiska utbildningen, Naturvetenskaps programmet, Samhällsvetenskaps programmet, Teknik programmet, mm


Konstens och diktens funktion – en vetenskap om det sköna och om konsten att modellera vad som är sant med en lust att beskriva och berätta och skapa och återskapa. 

Att tillvarata, stimulera och vidareutveckla intresse för konst och estetik för ett livslångt lärande i form av studier, yrkesverksamhet eller konstnärligt aktivitet genom en variation av uttrycksformer som kan tolkas och analyseras och användas såsom estetiskt uttryck för även kommunikation och påverkan 


Företeelsernas sammanhang och skeendets påverkan som ett analytiskt betraktelsesätt till alla kunskapsområden.

Att förmedla ett tankesätt och uttryckssätt för att kunna föra ett sakligt och logiskt resonemang och kunna bedöma andras resonemang i de studierna som behandlar specialvetenskaperna som har kommit att skiljas ut ur filosofin 

Idrottslig med forskningsinriktning 

Att stimulera och förbereda för vidare studier i naturvetenskap, matematik, medicin och teknik samt där det berör samhällsvetenskap, m fl. 


Kultur och Politik med konstnärlig inriktning.

Att ge en bred kompetens som ger en god grund för fortsatta studier och en kommunikativ förmåga för att utveckla en social kompetens och vana att ta egna initiativ och ansvar såväl personligt som samhälleligt. 


Ingenjörskonst och praktiskt nyttjande av råvaror och andra naturtillgångar 

Att skapa förutsättningar för att närma gymnasieskolan till de former som präglar en stark forsknings- och produktionsteknisk utveckling med hållbara och moderna och tvärvetenskapliga lösningar 

Skolans målsättning är 

att ge goda kunskaper och färdigheter, på jakt efter sanningen, med sikte på framtiden.

Därför att 

  • lärande handlar om att skaffa sig kunskap för att göra den egna verkligheten begriplig
  • kunskapens värde ligger i att den bidrar till att skapa ordning och mening i tillvaron
  • professionalism är en aspekt av kvalitet, en aspekt som bland annat handlar om att ha innehåll och riktning i undervisningen 

Urval av innehåll skall erbjuda olika slags mening. 

Gemensamt gäller för skolarbetet: 


som utgår från i förväg uppsatta nivåer och gränser med syfte att se om dessa uppnåtts -

 t ex via uppföljningsplan och data av olika slag 

Målstyrning - säkerställa


som syftar till att få igång en omdanings process genom att studera hur målen omsätts i den dagliga verksamhet och föra diskussioner om hur det kan göras annorlunda och 'bättre' t ex genom lägesbedömningar med intervjuer, observationer, undersökningar 

Hög interaktivitet - omdana 


som utgår från egna bedömningar och vars syfte är att ge idéer om vad som fungerar bra eller mindre bra och varför t ex ett diagnostiskt arbetssätt 

Resultatstyrning - säkerställa

Skol baserat kvalitetsarbete och egen värdering 

som tar sin utgångspunkt i lokala dokument och idéer och vars syfte är att underlätta och stödja deras genomförande t ex egna utvärderingar, projektbeskrivningar, ”peer - evaluation” 

Delaktighet - omdana 

Just Play the Game:

Eftersom ett rättvist spel är en presentation av tillämpad sunt förnuft,

’The Game’ är en fråga om sunt förnuft och sunt omdöme i praktiska

frågor. ‘The Game’ är ett naturligt sätt att hantera en situation eller ett

problem. Ett förnuftigt sätt, innebär att det krävs att alltid göra rätt,

baserat på vad man känner för eller hur man uttrycker sig, för att vara

sant, även utan medvetna resonemang - bara instinktivt. Kritik är

ryggraden i den vetenskapliga metoden och det ska även märkas, att

konsten att undersöka vetenskapligt inte bör vara orättvist fördomsfullt,

för eller emot någon eller något. Således är, att studera ett mänskligt

samhälle och dess kultur och utveckling, över en längre tid, en uppgift

som kräver tålamod och disciplin. Sanningen kan tyckas konstigare än

fiktion i vissa fall. Alltså, det ska alltid vara rätt, riktigt och sant att

framföra kritiken på ett ordnat sätt.

Du är en forskare, vare sig Du vill eller ej. Du kommer att få reda på det. Det som är rätt, riktigt och sant börjar självklart med rätt. Göra saker på det sätt som krävs är nödvändigt, på ett tillfredsställande och korrekt sätt. Forskningen hittar sanningen, för att kunna återställa, verkligheten till ett normalt, naturligt eller korrekt tillstånd. Det är viktigt att erkänna,  allt annat skulle vara en annan process och skulle avslöja att studien är manipulerad. Varje samhälle som har utvecklat en kultur, med traditioner och seder, speciellt med inflytande av en religion som kristendomen i en världsomfattande skala, är därför inget annat än en bluff - en artefakt.

Det är inte en del av vårt spelsinne att utöva en sport på ett orättvist sätt. Efter inledningen med Waqqi Haqqi kommer Phero, som är bäraren av fair play, men vi har fortfarande några saker att förbereda för att komma dit.

Växter och djur vet inte skillnaden mellan orättvist eller rättvist spel, oavsett vad situationen är, eller kan vara. Men människor tenderar att hitta ursäkter, när det passar deras syften. Människor vet, hur man ska krångla till det för sig själv för att vara verksam på ett sådant sätt att viss effekt uppkommer med avseende på konkret eller abstrakt handling eller omständigheterna, enkom i syfte att behandla någon eller flera av de inblandade parter, med motsatta krav eller intressen, på ett sätt att uppstå som mer fördelaktig för vissa men inte för andra. Händelserna är ett faktum eller förhållanden, som är kopplade till en uppsättning relevanta handlingar och skeenden, som sammanförs under rådande omständigheter, under loppet av en tid.

Låt oss förbereda oss väl för att anta utmaningen att göra, behandla eller representera någon eller något med respekt och rättvisa och uppskattning. Då har Du bestämt dig, för att gynna vår klubb, vårt samhälle och vår rättvisa.

Hur kan Du då förvänta dig att det lagstiftande organet ska sköta rättvisans angelägenheter för att omfatta alla medborgare i vår republik av lärande, med en rättvisa som uppfyller våra löften, särskilt för dem som är fritänkare, eller kättare, eller andra, som Du och jag. ‘The Game’ bör i grunden handla om rättvisa och sanning. Vi måste ta Waqqi Haqqi’s och Phero’s väg, som inte är en religion, utan ett spel om att förstå vad rättvisa och sanning egentligen är, vilket också kommer att främja lärande för att skydda våra forskare från olika former av brist på rättvisa eller orättvisa.

Pressfrihet i en rättvis och orättvis demokrati har köpts dyrt. En autokratisk politik, som inte tar hänsyn till folkviljan eller de enskilda medborgarnas åsikter är skadlig, för hela folkets intressen.

Alltså, demokrati måste vara en rättvis deal.

Vi vet vad som är rätt, riktigt och sant för vårt bästa, varför vi anpassar oss till det. Rättvisa bör vara självklar, som den genuina respekten för fred och människor grundad på ett rättvist beteende och behandling. När vi inte vill anpassa oss till religionernas system, med kyrkans doktrin, som antyder, ‘vi bör behandla människor såsom de behandlar oss’, är det för att kyrkan har ett eget sinne. Det är därför vi med säkerhet kan säga Nej! Nej! Nej! till kärlek, religion och brott. Vi vill inte vara en del av deras historia, när de upprepar andras misstag genom att behandla andra på sättet, de har själva blivit behandlade. I synnerhet när samma process upprepas och eskaleras, sakteligen även hämndbegäret, till den grad att det leder till mera destruktiva handlingar med vapen och metoder, enkom för att uppnå den religiösa doktrinens syfte. Som det är, kan rättfärdiggörelsen av en kyrka, efter två årtusenden av korståg och pseudoutrotnings processen, bara ge tröst åt deras egna, som dessutom har varit orsaken till orättvisa och girighet runt om i världen, vilket också är den tydliga sanningen om kyrkans verklighet.

För att tjäna allmänheten, med en medvetenhet om vad som görs och händer, är sång och musik ett av många sätt att kommunicera. Naturligtvis bör dess användning inte missbrukas. Det kan också tyckas lättare att komma ihåg en vers, om den är välformulerad, som i en dikt för att göra en fängslande sång, med en atmosfär och entusiasm som sannolikt sprider sig till andra också. Det viktiga är att människor ska känna till sina rättigheter. Vi har alla en hel del av naturens Grant(h). Och vi bör hålla oss till Naturens Sanna Väg. Om tystnad är bara en formlös tanke, som antas existera innan ett hörbart uttryck uttalas, eller ett skapande av ord, för att skapa ett språk, vad är då inte sång och musik? Det kan inte vara tystnad, om det inte är buller. Och det är vår avsikt att förhindra eller undvika en känsla av osäkerhet, oordning, oro, förvirring eller utanförskap, från samhället, på grund av okunskap eller oskuld. Om buller är motsatsen till tystnadstillståndet är galenskap motsatsen till en formlös tanke. Och i båda fallen skulle en välgjord låt med musik vara ett tillstånd av ordning och reda för att ge en känsla av tillfredsställelse och njutning? Allt gott, för att åtminstone förebygga eller att lindra de där små irritationerna och smärtorna i livet. Vi borde ha något att kämpa för som påverkar oss. Något vi borde kunna påverka, som ett sätt att utöva det demokratiska spelets regler.

Det vi gör för vår kampanj bör vara absolut, tydligt och öppet. Men den allmänna regeln är att var och en av oss bestämmer självständigt, med ett eget sinne; hur vi ska bete oss med ett öppet sinne utan rädsla eller gunst, men på ett rättvist sätt, i en transparent demokratisk rättsprocess. Det är därför vi går vidare med Phero för att lära oss vara vår egen domare, efter en grundlig introduktion av det respektabla sporten Waqqi Haqqi,

Är vi då redo att skapa min klubb i mitt Vpsal-land ?

The Game kommer att hjälpa en Klubb att ta hand om

eleverna, ett Gymnasium för att förstå studenterna

och ett Party att motivera forskarna. Låt oss sedan

göra vad som måste göras för att göra detta till vårt

land som är värt att upptäckas, vårdas, omhändertas,

njutas, vaktas, utvecklas, bebos och befruktas.. Här i

Norden, ska jag vara Din värd. Vårt livsprojekt gör

oss till den främsta källan till vår stabilitet och

säkerhet när vi spelar Waqqi Haqqi. Därför ska vi

uppträda rättvist och öppet i en transparent

demokratisk rättsprocess och inte nödvändigtvis

behandla andra som de behandlar oss. Ja, Din fråga

är relevant för den sanna demokratins skull. Vi borde

ha en handlingsplan. Den har vi också.

Visit also:

Kuldip Singh (Posts extracted from domain


1 Sikhsth – the core of psyché

3 Sikhsth – one universal flow

4 Sikhsth – the intention to treat

5 Sikhsth – Humi, down to earth living

8 Sikhsth – the Science of Ideas


Feel Rested to Wake Up Curious


Companion to Consciousness (2)

Education Ever Since (2)

Education United (1)

Sikhsth – the core of psyché.

Education Ever Since

Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, April 11, 2011 02:26:48

This is where Sikhsth begins.

Sikhsth is infinite and sovereign. Much learning does not teach Sikhsth. Sikhsth is not void because it occupies space. Sikhsth is everything. For if it were not itself it would partake in all things as all other things partake in a portion of everything. All living beings are thus born with the innate Sikhsth Potential to percieve and understand similarities in similar ways.

Reality, as the senses percieve it, is true at the moment of perception. However what is seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt makes one merely conscious of the sources of all understanding and knowledge. Reason puts together the perception of senses as causes in nature to initiate a process of change in the mind of the observer which is apparent in the natural developement of each thing that tends to become existant despite the presence of the human race or any other living species. Understanding material causes an object to be what it is, allowing yet something else to trigger a process of its change. Intellekt remains the cause of being and the senses keep it awake.

A living body with the ability to breathe and with a mind, has a way to control a sense of selfhood in its present being in a world with which it interacts days and nights. This consciousness is a state of a wakefulness to uphold an alertness intuitively, to call the awareness an experiance of the moment. Feelings as such is an expression of the physical and chemical activity in the different biological organ systems that combine to know the whole body. It is known that the brain influenced with chemistry and physics definitely affects human consciousness.

As such is the nature of experience and particularly the nature of the senses that evoke a consciousness of the different qualities of the mind and its nature, as a single unified entity or a collection of distinct entities. In some way it is related to a means of expression, such as some language. Surely even the animals possess such an ability and why should the humans be of a conviction that their abilities are superior to any other living species, including the plants?

The humans that seek freedom and the escape from uncertainty accomodate intuition and still maintain that all facts of experiance by consciousness are physical facts and support an interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, physics, neuroscience, artificial intelligence and anthropology. Interdisciplinary discussions are particularly encouraged.

The faculty of the human mind which is necessary for understanding what is true or real, is intellect as a function within the brain to reason and give it a structure to thought. Common sense is the result of restructuring thought in a subconcscious manner making it ultimately to good sense.

The opinion of what intellect is, is thus everything that a mind siezes with its senses from different sources percepted to be understood by reason for the sole purpose of arranging things to its own pleasure for the goodness of the whole body. Without intelligence the perception of everything around a being remains sensual but senseless.

The ability to figure out how to do and what to do and when to do and why to do and where to do and so on simultaneously is a measure of a deeper capability to comprehend the surroundings to make sense of things for a good purpose. Describing intelligence as the faculty of adapting to the circumstances and the ability to deal with cognitive complexity and act on purpose to resolve genuine problems by psyche, to understand the totality of all psychic processes, conscious as well as unconscious.

Sikhsth – one universal flow

Education United

Posted by Kuldip Singh Tue, April 19, 2011 22:50:08

The Sikhsth Process accelerates not only studies in mathematics but also natural and social sciences and promotes an influence of positivism to focus on knowledge obtained by sense experiance and practical experimentation rather than only immaterial speculation.

Descriptions of the Sikhsth disciplined empirical investigations of the natural world exist from times as early as the primitive ages of mankind to classical antiquity and to the dawn of modern science marked by a Path of studying the natural world with a methodology of experimentation aimed at defining the laws of nature and avoiding any non-scientific speculation of causality.

With a rapid accumulation of knowledge and a systematic flow to promote information technology, methods to co-ordinate sciences and technology in the whole world have improved. “Science” in one language for “knowledge” in another, as in philosophical contexts, is that reliable understanding which complies to the rules of a logical presentation and putting emphasis on the ability to deduce universal rules from different sources of knowledge. However, it is suggested that natural philosophy cannot be deduced in the same way as mathematics and logic.

There is always an increased tendancy to associate science with the study of the natural world, i e the non-human world, suggesting social sciences as the study of human thought and society. With an awareness of all that ignorance on the front-lines of science, the Sikhsth Test of all knowledge remains to comply to qualitative experimentation in order to establish what is true or false and to extract enough information to revise what needs to be corrected.

The Sikhsth Field is basically framed in natural sciences and social sciences. As empirical sciences, Sikhsth encourages both to apply methods that are reliable and also fullfill the requirements of validity. Mathematics is an essential science and applicable in natural sciences as well as social sciences to distinguish the Sikhsth Truth from certainty as is all human knowledge aquired under predefined conditions and further investigated with extremely refined measures to assure certainty of all

Sikhsth – the intention to treat

Companion to Consciousness

Posted by Kuldip Singh Fri, April 22, 2011 19:19:46

The Sikhsth Truth is the Path to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body. As an intended therapeutic effect of a treatment able to cure illness and leaving no side-effects. To enable a judicial relief that every right when with-held must have a remedy, and every injury it’s proper redress. For the purpose of removal of pollution or contaminants from the natural environments. As that what ends an undesired condition with no after-effect nor reaction. A solution or action to all problems in the interest of everyone. Allowing individuals to a self-determined, independent and interest-guided learning – every step of the way.

Sikhsth – Humi, down to earth living

Education Ever Since

Posted by Kuldip Singh Sun, May 22, 2011 05:30:22

The Sikhsth Functionalism explains the proper work or purpose of Life that by certain actions and reactions it performs or executes to use and enjoy the supply and resources of the earth and its atmosphere for a period of time.

There is a life one is born with and one that allows it to make choices.

It is the basis for the well-being of all existing life, without regard to government revenues, corporate profits, religious belief and their scriptures, etc etc, or a hereafter.

The MIRRI (mundane) pertains to the material and its source is the pure earth, as with egg-keeping; while the PIRRI (secular) pertains to the flow (energy) of the nonmaterial information and of knowledge and its source is the nature of space-time, as with seed-sowing.

The nature of bodily substance and thought within it constitutes the nature of thinking substance. Everything else attributed to the body is extraneous and superficial or superflous.

The living donot exist within time. They are time. It is their time. The relationship with the past is in the present awareness, taking it into a future, i.e. the input from a past into the present results into an output for a future.

As in the DNA, which is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development of all known living organisms (with the exception of RNA viruses). To maintain a long-term storage capacity, of such information and its continuous flow, is the main task of the DNA molecules.

This information, from each biological parent, contains the instructions needed to construct all components of each cell that make a human being amongst other living species. As such a fertilised ovum will develope its basic maternal features in the prenatal phase. Theoretically the fetus should develope its paternal abilities once the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system is complete and intact. Thus, a fetus should be able to think (or at least react to sense stimuli) before it is born, if all the cell structures and the neurons of the nervous system are mature for the purpose.

However the biological qualities for maternity and paternity develope in the pubescence.

Although men and women achieve results, accomplish tasks and perform actions at different levels and grades of measurement, they are still capable of achieving the same goals during a lifteime. For instance there is no category or event in the fields of sports and athletics that only a man or a woman is capable of performing. However the measure of their performance in faster, higher and stronger can differ in proportion to their individual endocrinal and physical background. Therefore, the most important thing is not to win but to take part just as the most important thing is not to triumph but to struggle. The essential thing is not to conquer but to have fought well.

Despite the fact that knowledge is natures Grant(h) to each individual, the only asset that can be put down to a human being or any other living organism is the time it has spent to survive the challenges of nature as all the rest is borrowed, a lifetimes loan from the earth and its atmosphere to age.

Some facts of the origin and development of a word or a phrase, in the study of the true sense when speaking of what is real and actual as simple as “to be”, as in being in existance, is as true and real as down to earth living is. However, that beauty of the Sikhsth Nature of the living may always be the first impression of a test.

TEEMI (XX): “worldly, terrestrial, earthly, of orderly arrangement in the physical universe”, – as with egg-keeping

ADMI (XY): “temporal, secular, temporary, of an age or generation, of proper time or season”. – as with seed-sowing

Maternal: From materia (substance) pertaining to matter, of or belonging to matter, of mater as “mother earth”.

Signifying, action, state, condition of the body.

Human (woman) on notion of earthly pure beings, clean, elegant, of humus, earth soil, on the ground.

Paternal: From nonmaterial things handed over from the past pertaining to investigation and knowledge for the future, of pater as “head of a body”

Signifyning action, state, condition of the mind

The root “men” (connected to man) pertaining to mental abilities, that belong to the state of the mind, the ability to think, for one who has the faculty of understanding (intelligence) and mathematics, a measure for such abilities.

As is “math-may-thik-ae'” having ones mind aroused to think and understand while “math-mari-ae'”, for not being able to think and understand.

Each INSAN (creature) is in the capacity of the maternal and the paternal qualities, even if it is declared insane. Thus, a male or a female, will have every chance of succeeding to function in similar situations. The only difference between a man and a woman lies in the functional biological characteristics that regulate reproduction.

Hence boys and girls as individuals are not differentiated by their forename.

To tell apart a male from female, all males bear the same middle name that refers to their sex genome as do females to their sex genome, which provides women with a status equal to men and as equals at all levels of society.

The identity of each BANDA (an individual that wears a piece of cloth or hair to mark its belonging to a group) consists of a compound name to signify: – 1. Species (individual), 2. Genus (sex) and 3. Descent (root); – i.e. a forename, a middle name and a surname, in compliance to the Sikhsth Biological System for Scientific Names.

TEEMI (XX) and ADMI (XY) dress alike for the Sikhsth Equality is their salvar/katcha (trousers/shorts) and their kameez/kurta (shirt/top) and put on righteousness as their clothing for the Sikhsth Justice is their chaddar/khaddar (robe/coat) and their pagri/chunni (turban/headscarf/diadem).

Sikhsth – the Science of Ideas

Companion to Consciousness

Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, March 26, 2012 01:29:38

To keep the Words Honest – What and Why and When and How and Where and Who – as the Wise and the Learned of course they are Six and have solved bringing to Insight through the Workings of every Language as through the arrangement of Things properly to meet their Followers of any Ethical System in which some sort of Pleasure ranks as the highest Good for the Knowledge of Law and the General Sense of Toleration of Diversity within a Society or a State for even in a Form of a Government in which ambition for Power and Glory motivates the Rulers as they take on the problems – the empirical problem of Political Philosophy – to which come Answers with the Desire of Knowledge that comes from the Senses as with the understandings by the Resources of Languages to bring Insight to What and Why and When and How and Where and Who for of course they are the Six Words to keep them Honest.

Kuldip Singh (Posts extracted from domain



 9 Upsala – to be born at an unfelt, unknown, unhonored instant

11 Upsala – never seizing to seek that steady state of equilibrium.

12 Upsala – an academy of a silent district where education is derived      

13 Upsala – a club house may refer to a country club for a pastime


Land Formation (4)

Upsala – to be born at an unfelt, unknown, unhonored instant


Posted by Kuldip Singh Tue, May 10, 2011 00:10:29

This relatively simple account of human developement is written primarily for Students in the affiliated sciences without whose interest and encouragement this Land of the Germs would not have been formed. This presentation is freely illustrated to help visualise the normal developemental processes and to understand the basis of malformations. As when the human developement begins with an Ovum (egg) fertilised by the Germ (sperm), developement is a process of change that transforms the ovum from a non living to the living State. What happens therewith is significant for the future developement because many of the disorders result from maldevelopement. The understandings of most malformations depends upon the knowledge of normal developement and the deviations that may occur. With the knowledge of applied developemental biology it becomes readily apparent how the various planes of a human body developes in a method to indicate the relative levels of different structures in the makings of the Land structure into a mature State to serve and protect the needs of its inhabitants. In embryos, cranial and caudal are commonly used to denote to relationships to the head and tail ends respectively. The concept that the body is composed of cells and cell products soon leads to the realisation that the population of a State of People is composed of individual human beings and the human products suggesting their probable role in communication and fertilisation in order to mature as a whole. Therewith the terms anterior and posterior are used to describe the body and the limbs as in the State of a Nation to describe the front as the apparent or transparent side, or the back of the body and the limbs to describe the dark or what could be the crooked and the corrupt. However what is used to indicate the relative levels of the head being superior and the tail being inferior in a body, may not seem obvious in the case of the State of a Nation. A biological reproductive system in both sexes is designed to insure the successful union of the Germ and the Ovum. If the makings of a State of the Nation is to be as successful as that of the Germ and Ovum, it is expected that the culture of the man and the woman species must behave and react in their mutual interactions in a similar manner. However what is defined as civilised behaviour is not necessarily the same as the principles of a democratic method in a political system.

In the early stages, a primitive streak appears in the dorsal aspect of the embryonic disc. As the primitive streak elongates by addition of cells at its caudal end, its cranial end thickens to form a primitive knot. Much of the growth and elongation of the embryonic disc results from the continuous migration of cells from the primitive streak. Gradually, a plate developes cranial to the primitive knot and broadens to form the early stages of the abdoman and thorax regions to include the backbone, the nervous system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the reproductive system and the lymphatic system among others. As the structures illustrate, the body functions housed in the torso region develope at a primitive phase while the limbs and the head structures protrude to develope later.

Upsala – never seizing to seek that steady state of equilibrium.


Posted by Kuldip Singh Sun, June 19, 2011 22:26:45

In that Process of developing and defining a Life System in compliance to predefined specifications, it is understood that a Community is a System within its Natural Environment. It is Dynamic and Complex with a continuous Flow of Energy, Material and Information, amongst other Things. All interacting and seeking a Steady State of Equilibrium. Consequently, an Area, Structure or a Component that is Constructed or Molded by any Impact or Force of Human Intelligence is a feature of the Unnatural Environment within the greater Natural Environment.

As every Life Span has a beginning and an end, the Living do help in their own Way, to formalize the concept of “Life”. To Define the Functions of any simple Cell to a number of complex Organisms, Societies and Countries and to provide a method to examine each in their order of increment in Growth or decline in State, but also to identify the various subgroups in each – as with system dynamics for instance, the behaviour of complex systems over Time and the ecological systems, composed of an enormous number of biotic and abiotic Factors, that interact with each other in Ways that are often unpredictable.

Human Population Growth is known to cause Problems such as Pollution, Sociological Imbalance and Traffic Congestion amongst others, which can be solved or made worse by applying any kind of Technological, Political or Economical Influence. A Population exceeding the capacity of an area or environment to uphold it, is an overpopulation. While an area underpopulated may not be able to uphold its Functional Life System over Time. However, the complexity of any ecosystem model can be reduced to a lesser number of components for the purpose of identifying the problem that needs to be solved, as in any other Population Growth or Decline over Time.

Upsala – an academy of a silent district where education is derived


Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, June 27, 2011 00:38:24

Defining the differance between a Garden and Nature: A Garden is an Area where One places Objects, in a Mix of the Man-made and Naturals, as well as Species of the Living. Taken from Nature and set around a Dwelling Place of the Human Beings – usually outdoors, in an orderly Manner for the Display, Cultivation, Recreation and Enjoyment. Taking what may seem useful to the Human Beings from the True Original Path where particular Things normally Exist, Thrive and Accomodate accordingly, to survive the Challenges of Weather and the Earth Conditions in the Process of Adaptation by which all Things are Transformed and Transferred in Matter and Energy.

A Garden is thus a Space with a Collection of Objects and Wild Species nurtured by the Hands of the Human Beings or a Space in Nature where Mankind has eliminated the Things and Species that are felt or experianced as a Threat or a Danger to the Human Race.

In understanding how Ones Garden Functions, One may gain unlimited Knowledge to Define the Universal Principles of Science, on how the World Functions in itself and in the Universe. In a Garden there is a limited Diversity of the unlimited Diversity of all Natural Phenomenon of Nature. The Plants and Things in a Garden are made to be seen as the Gardners Expression of Nature whereas in Nature Plants and Things are seen as they are meant to be. A Garden is made at the expense of Human Labour and Involvement. Unlike Nature that is self made with a Truth, Beauty and Dignity which is incomparable.

The fundamental Purpose of all Science is to Learn and to Understand about Things and to Explore and Examine what is yet to be uncovered or discovered and to be understood. As do the Living in their Gardens tend to Practice the Arts of Communication and Social Intercourse but uninhibited and unaffected in Nature it all comes to Exercising the Art of Seduction and Sexual Intercourse for Copulation to Seed. However the Sikhsth Garden of Learning is Nature itself ranging from the Subatomic to the Cosmic, as One Well of all Knowledge.

Upsala – a club house may refer to a country club for a pastime


Posted by Kuldip Singh Fri, July 08, 2011 06:21:43

For a Sensation of the Worldly, Secular, for a Time of the Terrestrial and Earthly, which is Temporary and that which lasted only for a Time that made it Temporal and Temporary at a Time, a Season, a Proper Time or a Season for a Moment as is a Temple not for worship but for Meeting to make a Dialogue amongst the Living Present.

At the Club House the Timely Space shows a Time of an Action or a State to pass Ones Time and to wait Ones Time on the Playgrounds and that what makes a Place for Meetings or getting together at a Moment for the Time, at a gathering of People for Discussion and so on to Feast a Players Condition of a Being Worthy, to be Honored, made Renown – when everything is Temporary for the Moment. In remembrance for the One who Lives at the same Time as another and to Mix correctly, be Fairish, Modest, Reasonable, Regulated, Blended, with Everyone present at a Moment to Tune the Pitch of the Tone and Sound of the Peoples Voices in Conversation to the Modern, Characteristics of the Present or just to Rest a Commotion or a Disturbance of the Moment or the Season.

Kuldip Singh (Posts extracted from domain



15 KSP -You are invited !

16 KSP -Join the Club !

17 KSP -Make a Statement !

18 KSP - Run the peoples vote !

19 KSP -Just Play the Game !


The Nation (1)

The People (1)

The Club (1)

The Party (1)

Run the peoples vote (1)

You are invited !

The Party

Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, February 03, 2014 22:52:11

Everyone is a part, a piece, a share, a faction, a division, a party, a character and a power in a function and a performance. Participating as a body, as in most senses and separating oneself in another sense. In that part of speech by voicing not to surrender but to keep up the nature of the untouched. As even from the actors share of a performance presenting a one-sided and biased version of what be a little bit of the whole drama. Not long ago, the atom was the minute particle and that indivisible portion of matter. As in all constructions partiality or partialness to some degree is to particularise a section as small details of a statement. In an action of going away or a separation of persons, parting is to part. However a partisan is a zealous supporter, one who takes part with another or even become a member of a faction and take party as in a partisanship become a partner or a comrade. To part and to partake is both to party having the quality to divide in parts and the quality to get together and share. If all goes well her lips will part in a smile and there will be a lot of kissing before he parts from her again. As reproduction without fertilisation is unknown. That what is divided into parts must participate to conjunct and impart to share in a performance a notion of giving each side of incompleteness, in personal qualities or gifts of ability – to bear in the desire to bring forth a completeness. Now this makes only a part of the whole. The completeness, with all the body parts, is only a part of the family. To some extent all the inconveniences are part and parcel of the travel. To give support and encouragement to someone, as to ascribe responsibility for something and to take words and directions to be learned and performed makes ones duty in such a place a part to make good. Yet some, but not all, assemble with others to make a machine with many parts. It may be a gathering for social pleasure or a side in contest or dispute or in every sense a policy adopted by a party, KSP – 2014. For the best of everything and all times, for every individual and in a gathering.

You are invited !

Join the Club

Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, February 17, 2014 23:17:33

Once people with no ties of kinship start living together in groups they will find a common interest making the choice of any meeting place the headquarters of the moment. As a rule, there is no permanent bond between them as each individuals liability ends when he or she has paid his or her club score for the board and lodging. Meetings of an irregular kind for sports and pastimes or for literary and debating societies aim to club together occasionally for the purpose and time. Clubs have existed since long before ancient times leaving detailed knowledge about their learnings from the age of the primates and places of many different civilisations. Any professional body with its regular presence on an island or a mountain, in a forest or a village, in a capital city or a major metropole, etc, etc; will seek to establish a club with the like minded and to secure a shared house for the sake of convenience. It is of a social disposition to gather as an association of people, at a place of meeting and refreshment always open to those who are members of the club. To mark a competitive will members gather in a club crowd to get a good mood, mind and will to a talk intended to make the fellow supporters feel more courageous or enthusiastic. The club player apparently evolved to act or hit with a club. Get together for the game of clubbing, to beat the opponents over the head with the Club fist, as they said. Clubs are now an important feature of social life in all large cities and country sites. Many of them occupying large grounds and buildings containing pubs, restaurants, kindergartens, schools, training facilities, temporary residence and so on. In a downtown area of a town or a city, as the Nations 15 Club houses having something in common, there is also a clubland of nightclubs with nightclubbers where some are already made stars in the clubby late night world dedicated to a particular interest or activity – upgrading to the comfort of its club class. As the passengers seatings on an aircraft, at a higher altitude, make themselves suitable for membership of a club because of one’s sociability or popularity amongst the exclusively clubbable. Clubbing at sea or at some distance from the shore is adjusted to the less stringent regulations for offshore accounts. As a fellowship flagging for merchant shipping, a commercial fraternity or a shopping sorority, there is a whole marine based world of club clients making habitual practice of occupations and behaviours in a way of life for trading goods and services. The course of such a club cycle or series of cycles of economic expansion and contraction intends primarily to balance trade gaps on land and making some courtroom for good company and social intercourse offshore and downtown. In the interest of all intents and purposes, UL-Tea-Mate Day-Ting is clubbing. Do not hesitate to hesitate but feel not confused. Join the Club ! 

Make a Statement

The State

Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, February 24, 2014 23:48:47

The state of all being is nature and its logic is universal.
The state refers to the present condition of a system and/or of its matter.
The state of the human beings is that balance conditioned by nature, logics and law on one hand and customs, conventions and policies on the other.
In a state of nature there are no rights but only freedom, thus no restrictions upon things that seek its natural state of being.
The state of nature has no waste as the laws of nature that govern it transforms all matter to lay down its elements and properties to all other things.
The idea of equality by expressing a policy is a state where all liberties arise to give to each thing its natural state of being.
The state of being is universal for all living as well as non living things.
The game of a state is to give the things, called people, a sense of being together in the self interest of self preservation.
The game of a thing is the self preservation in the self interest of its state of being.
The freedom of being in a state of self preservation guided by self interest, in the absence of rights to compete with each other, allows no sovereign over and above the other.
The individuals in the state of nature are sovereigns and therefore guided by a self-interest and in the absence of rights allowing a thing in any state to act in self-interest in competition with any other.
The objectives for democracy are achieved in a state of nature where human life, guided by self interest in a state of self preservation, is a war of one and all against all and one.
The idea of human rights is closely related to that of natural rights where some acknowledge no difference between the two in any state of mind.

Within the state of nature, logics and law there is neither property nor injustice since there is no waste in any state of mind.

The state of nature has no waste as the laws of nature that govern it transforms all matter to lay down its elements and properties to all other things.
Certain natural precepts of the state of being are assumed by human reason based on customs, conventions and policies.

In a state the living things are born for justice, in a state of being not based upon opinions but upon nature.
The proposition from humans that animals have natural rights is one that has gained the interest of philosophers and legal scholars to stretch their state of mind to an animal state.
All it takes to discuss the being in a steady state or a state of expansion and contraction is to state that matter in the universe does not change in appearance and qualities and therefore there is no beginning and no end.
A steady state is a more general state of being than a state of a dynamic equilibrium.
The non living matter predominates the general state of all being while the living matter fluctuates in a state of a dynamic equilibrium.

In the makings of a nation the state of a dynamic equilibrium assures liberties to satisfy the highest and the lowest levels of self interest for each thing and to acknowledge no difference between one or the other thing.
To attain a state of being a thing should stress the role of self interest and self preservation.
A thing should give power and direction to the state it wants to be in.
Make a statement !

Run the peoples vote ! 

The People

Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, March 10, 2014 20:50:27

The public matter, governed for the public good, is a commonwealth of the people at large. Each according to contribution, ability and need; public management for efficiency and effectiveness as liberty is the quality people have to control their own actions. The duty of loyalty and the duty of care make people avoid actions of negligence despite conflicts of interest and multiple interests to assure the critical infrastructure for a quality of life in compliance to the peoples standards of reasonable responsibility. That social contract is the operation of law because just as people relate to things they relate to other people. People are born curious and they seek answers in the well of nature, that nature that makes people. People act swiftly to find reasons to keep what they take from the well of nature. What people then take from nature, they take to make it the public matter. People of a creed are narcissists and make themselves essential. The drive of arrogance and hubris ends with paranoiac hysteria or vice versa. People do judge others harder than they judge themselves, only to become aware of the self through the actions of others. Although women do more childcare than men, feminists do beware of naturalising that fact in a naturalistic way of the people. Now and then, people existing in or derived from nature admit an alien to the citizenship of a country where they live wild in a region where they are not indigenous as a naturalised species to become established in a natural situation. To cause to appear more natural, people conform yet more closely to the phonology or orthography as there are many people eager to adopt another language. In a community game of humans, people populate among whose members interbreeding occurs. As such, people make a home in a particular place or with a particular person and they eventually decide to tie the knot after living together for a longer time. People live up to their promises to set their nation on the best path and spend the rest of their lives in a particular place or a particular circumstance. When people full fill the residential or legal requirements for being a member of a state they learn to live with the fact that they are alive.
Run the peoples vote !

Just Play the Game !

The Nation

Posted by Kuldip Singh Mon, March 24, 2014 21:40:36

Having fenced a piece of land to all the game, wild and tame, made mankind the first civil society.
Literally meaning “that which has been bornâ€, is a nation in which the legal relationship of a person and a state is the nation. The world’s first national state of being, emerging quite early as a unified state, congruent with a distinct people of shared mechanics of individual living and mechanics of organised mankind is KSP. As that making of a nation insisting on ones own nationality as a person insisting on ones own personality and helping to realise the nature of ones own problems in the breath taking beauty of all nature in a tract of land managed so as to preserve its flora, fauna and physical features and so that large body of people united by common descent, culture or language and not be divided by social inequality. National identity is thus a person’s subjective sense of belonging to one state of being in one nation. It is understood as being centered in a willingness to live together, thus producing a nation that results from an act of affirmation. As the fact of belonging to or being a citizen of a particular state.The idea of a nation state is associated with the rise of the modern system of states. A democratic republic is, strictly speaking, a nation that is both a republic and a democracy. A nation is a form of art in pursuit of a goal, one where ultimate authority and power is derived directly from the citizens.

When common descent, language and cultural background are no longer the only requirements of a nation, the idea of an established government and physical boundaries shape up a nation. As emancipation once brought a right to vote, to hold office, and independence for a growing number of territories earlier held under colonial rule. Also the once suppressed and enslaved have fought for rights to discover what kind of freedom they seek in a nation involved in identity politics. To be sovereign in a state of such being of which most of the citizens or subjects are united or just feeling connected in a natural way.

Knowing that even if the fruits of the earth go to all the living, the earth itself belongs to nobody. Yet, now and then each nation, apart from others, takes its name to a home elsewhere; where as foreigners eat and have their places of meeting to be a scientific national.
Just Play the Game !

Kuldip Singh (Posts extracted from domain

Presidency - In the Makings of IT's Foundation


20 Presidency – An introduction to Serve and Protect

22 Presidency - In the Makings of IT's Foundation 


To Protect (1)

To Serve (1)

Presidency – an introduction to Serve and Protect

To Protect

Posted by Kuldip Singh Wed, September 21, 2011 22:39:14

Safety is that state of feeling “Safe”, in a Sense of being Protected in Physical, Social, Mental, Financial, Political, Emotional, Occupational, Psychological, Educational Environments or what may occur as a Result of Failure, Damage, Error, Accidents, Harm or any other Threat which is Sensed as non-desirable. Safety can also be that Control of the known Hazards within the Limits Approved for Tolerance. This includes a Method of feeling Protected from Stress or Threat as well as from Exposures to anything that may cause an undesired Damage to ones Health or Economy. This includes Protection of People or of Possessions.

In the World of Day to Day Affairs, not all works out as Planned. The Steady-State of Nature is Constantly put to Risk and provoked by the Homo Sapiens. This is where Risk Management becomes a Science, of the Modern Age. As a deduction from the word defining “Safety”, Risk Management becomes the Process or Means – Physical, Technical or Human, in a Method to Delay, Prevent and Defend against Extrinsic and Intrinsic Threats, Stress factors, Defects, Dangers, Losses, Criminals or Organisms and Individuals or Actions that Threaten, Obstruct or Destroy the Steady-State of a Body or an Organisation or deprive its Existential Rights.

In short, the Roots of the Modern Police Force come from a need for Social Control. To Serve and Protect has for long been entirely Private or Community based. Only for the last hundred years has the Role for Criminal Justice been exercised by Governmental Police Forces, Prosecutors, Courts, and Prisons as in the case of all recent Historical Developments that have come about as an outcome of a Political and Bureaucratic Social Experiment. In this case and in other Adaptations to Changes in Society, it is related to Policy Making mainly for the sake of maintaining a Balance in times of Disorder. In accordance to the original definition of the word “Police”, with its applications to “Administration of Public Order in a City State”, the Duty of the Police Force is to uphold Order and Balance against any Potential Element of Disruption, – including the Rebellious Native Citizens.

The Force is Military in both Organization and Training in order to maintain a high Standard of Professional Service to the Community in the Field of Defence Strategies in the Work of exercising their Disciplined Professionalism. However because of the Threat to Individual Rights, on Ground of Principle for Human Rights, there is a depreciation for Organized Social Control with a Police Force. Furthermore, one of the main Themes in the makings of Organized Social Control is the struggle between the Political Fractions wishing to have Control over the Police Force. As in almost every Nation, the ties between the Police Force and the Politicians are stronger than those between the Police Force and the Citizens. The Policeman and Policewoman of today is in fact expected to be a Civil Servant responsible only to the Government and Governmental Policy.

Presidency – for leadership and administration

To Serve

Posted by Kuldip Singh Wed, July 27, 2011 21:16:09

Taking it from the Basics, for the Purpose of giving Service, an Administration consists of the Operative Systems in the making or the Implementation of a Major Decision. As One Universal Process or as a Presiding Body for organizing People and engaging them to carry the Weight and Responsibility as well as to Care for all the Departments of an Organization and to use its Resources Efficiently to Direct Operations towards common Goals and Objectives.

The House for such Leadership and Administration is a Presidency which as a Hardware System is a Package with all its emptiness and hopelessness of a Rock or a Steel Construction or of Wood, however not meaningless or senseless. By filling it with a Software, it is made complete to give it a Purpose to Perform.

With a brief presentation of the Central Nervous System as much more than a Set of Cables connected to a Network with a Co-ordinating Telecommunications Switchboard, the Brain – Capsuled in the Cranium – is the Centre that Controls most of the other Organ Systems of the Body and has an Effect and Inpact on the rest. The Human Central Nervous System is in fact a Powerfull Biological Data Processing Unit able to make Decisions and to Impose the Body parts to React decisively in Response to Changes in the Environment.

In the Process of Brain Mapping, in an attempt to relate the Brain’s Structure to its Function or Investigating which Faculty of the Mind gives a Body its Specific Qualities; Designers, Architects and Engineers make it their Task to Create a suitable System to “Process Communication and Influence by which a Leadership can enlist the Aid and Support of Others in the accomplishment of a Common Task” which includes Seeing how the Land lies, Trimming the Organization, Role Clarifications, Setting Performance Standards, and holding Subordinates Accountable to those Standards in the Implementation of a Functional Leadership in Compliance to the Specifications set for Monitoring the Work Environments, Identifying Job Descriptions, Training and Educating Subordinates, Inciting to Propel others and Step in, Intervene and Interact whenever necessary to Consolidate Staff Consistency.

Kuldip Singh (Posts extracted from domain



24 ContactUpsala

24 2014@upsala - In Preparation @upsala

25 2015@upsala - The more we think, the more we know that we have the flavours on toast.

26 2016@upsala - The Human rights between the two extremes of organised crime.

27 2017@upsala - Potentials of Power-Faculty-Ability in a static state

28 2018@upsala - From a time when ideas flowed freely in all ways, sustainability was well defined in all its nature.

30 2019@upsala - It is all about No! No! No! Yes! Yes! 

31 2020@upsala - The brain is matter. The mind is that conceptualisation of a ‘Thing’.

32 2021@upsala - 2021 is the air of knowing all the answers.Deliver the ULHC PHERO KSP 2021 Bug.

32 2022@upsala - 2022 is for transparency and understandingJustify the ULHC PHERO KSP 2022 Bug

32 2023@upsala - In the beginnings of 2023, it is justified to ask oneself, ‘What are we really doing?’

                        Recoup the ULHC  PHERO KSP 2023 Ground

32 2024@upsala - I prefer to emphasise characterisation and human conflict.

                        Display the ULHC PHERO KSP 2024 Dictum. 


Location (3)

Moment (2)

Gear (3)



Posted by Kuldip Singh Wed, April 11, 2012 07:36:49

Mera information kommer att finnas på denna sida när den är klar.
More information will be made available on this page soon.In Preparation @upsala



Posted by Kuldip Singh Sat, March 29, 2014 20:33:36

With a driving force in a course of events, gained by the development of a process from the past thirty years, all experiences speak of an appropriate time for doing something. This is an opportunity for it is the time for a person or a thing that was put to the test. 

It makes it one of the great moments in political history especially on having a bearing on future events. Now is the particular stage to develop something. The decision has to be made.



Posted by Kuldip Singh Fri, January 02, 2015 18:33:51

If she is that unnamed beauty of the day taking a dip in the natural bath, a gentleman passing by will dip his cup in her tub and drink it to her health. Any other in his company wittily, or in the quality of being pleasantly stimulating or exciting will add that, he did not care for the drink, but he would gladly enjoy the toast and even if she is “brown with heat,” or just taken out of the grill, the water she bathes in is to be drunk to her health. The custom apparently has its origin in the use of tasty toasting or to flavour a drink. The lady figuratively being regarded as a pleasantly sharp and appetising flavour. It is perfectly in order to substitute a lady with a gentleman if it is recommended for the occasion. The more we think, the more we know that we have the flavours on toast.



Posted by Kuldip Singh Wed, February 10, 2016 03:41:11

I was unsuited to anything where I had to organise myself so I decided to organise my lessons in a planned way and even if I moved in the need to organise myself I would have to make arrangements for the social programmes to be organised by my school of learning and take responsibility for providing a simple but a nourishing meal and water pure enough for drinking in a systematic order to help all arrange the community we are living in to make a state form of every living being organised in its body efficient to arrange in a systematic way especially on a large scale to respect every right which is expected to belong to every person and regarded as shared by all humans to be based on common sense and if I get as far as this and can also provide lodging education and training to know more than what we already know somewhere between either of two abstract things that are as different from each other as possible as both the extremes of organised crime then I will know that I can take myself all the way.



Posted by Kuldip Singh Fri, January 06, 2017 01:48:54



Posted by Kuldip Singh Wed, December 27, 2017 01:23:11

How do you play against authorities and organisations and their officials that have a way of being in someone’s pocket? As they are all depending on someone else financially and therefore under their influence. Being very close to each other and closely involved with each other. In a country so small as this one, where everyone lives in everyone else’s pocket. Trapping is when a substance has passed a threshold and a boundary to enter a department where its physical state may change. It can be bound to a protein or its protein metabolism can be modified or its matter substance can be altered. In ways, the protein it is bound to can parasite on it or take it up and reduce its effect and intensity completely.

Water Gaps


Posted by Kuldip Singh Sat, January 14, 2017 05:12:24

From a time when ideas flowed freely in all ways, sustainability was well defined in all its nature. Good health is to remain tuned to the environment in order to create a future just in a different way. Sustainable is durable, lasting, resistant, strong and imperishable despite the winds and weather. Now ideas are hacked, inspected closely and thoroughly, examined and counter examined. All provinces and landscapes have their own success stories, despite failures, no matter where they are to be found. The attractiveness is basically the same throughout no matter how good or bad their site may be. Perceived in different ways and yet in the same way no matter how everything comes around in design and game. Human history is one long success story in how we ponder the questions and yet all the mistakes. You can not build a nation on faith and marketing is not a solution in a future vision to succeed. When everything is transient, temporary, or provisional; when all new construction works cease. Migration is no solution to promote a meaningful life in every aspect and in every refugee shelter. Primary care, health service and education though; should be everywhere on every countryside. No one builds something new, but in a different way modified to create a future in a transit room. The person who wants to move may move and those who wish to stay might get to stay rurally. One that stands out and is well founded, strong, tough, rough, burly, invulnerable and untouchable. Yet innovative and with the ability to think independently and creatively in a demanding situation. To achieve what might not have been achievable otherwise in all the meaningful elements of time. Understanding the world as it is and accepting it the way it is is to be in balance with it as defined. No where is very far from civilisation when the comfort and convenience of a modern life is that progress in the use of water and the earths elements. The pervading tone and mood of every place, situation or creative work is full of atmosphere, especially when regarded as immanent in every individuals real self. That pleasurable and interesting mood in the water gaps of the mountain ridges.


It is all about No! No! No! Yes! Yes!


Posted by Kuldip Singh Sun, December 30, 2018 15:37:04

My interest in plants and biology come from an early fascination in the art of growing plants and some exotic weeds in my back yard. Now they mean everything to me. I have tried different methods to cultivate them. I know now that I have a ground with the soil that functions for me and for them. Now I have applied that on each and every one of the plants of their kind that have come my way. Having learnt about the ancestral background of these primeval plants, I can see and sense them in every way bringing vigour and pigmentation to this ancient planet by regenerating its wild and beautiful reconstruction and mostly to be with in their way of life. I do show interest for and study unusual and precious plants, not only to keep or look at but for the game of observation and conservation. I do spread an awareness in the preservation of these primeval plants, as every single individual has an impact on the natural selection of each species. Many species are extinct in the wild and yet they could be preserved in conservatories and gardens by those who have an interest for biodiversity of vegetation. Have a good look and appreciate every kind of growth found on a stroll. Do not try to stamp on it or destroy it just for the sake of it or label it as a weed because you do not like it.

It is definitely not a weed to get rid of with a weed killer. Always keep your dog on a leash as they are liable to create a havoc wherever they go in a culture of plants. It could be a natural inhabitant from a time before your time and a local national who is more ancient in reference to your definition of a modern national. So the next time you go out for a walk, take some time to really appreciate every plant you can find. I do say, people should think twice before they go about spraying herbicide on a suspected weed or forcing a cross upon them. There is no such thing as a new world order. Maybe that weed is not really something that you want to get rid of or turn it into another malicious human being. It might actually be a native that is intensely absorbing, engrossing, bright, fascinating, spellbinding, appealing, attractive, stimulating, intelligent and exciting and therefore justified with a better reason for being than with a nonsensical city life. It is all about No! No! No! Yes! Yes!


The brain is matter. The mind is that conceptualisation of a ‘Thing’.


The presentation of an idea or theory by means of speech is a practice to give our language a design with a sincere and a meaningful content, and without any intention to be misleading in a deceitful, an illusive or some defrauding way. As it is to be pure, clean and free from debt and guilt and, as such, in the order of things that make life and the universe possible, it is my intention to remain on that path of righteousness, within the proper practice of life on the true path of nature. My urge is to remain within the rights of my Sikhsth temple and as such to the criteria of the ‘naked truth’.

How to plan and carry out the affairs of a state, conducted in a process of further argumentation and legislation is the topic for todays lesson in civics. Having discussed the subject of expressions in the art of an efficacious and persuasive speaking, we should now look into the process of ‘the making of a nation’ in a realistic way, and how to run the affairs of the state. Since the quality of being justifiable by reason, now confirms the momentum of our being, presenting any solution should also hold the greatest psychological effect. Now, that we are given our full and unlimited right to practice our freedom of speech and right of opinion, it will be for the listener to judge, what is true or false in the path of nature, and what is right or wrong in the psychological moment. And all of that, to serve a ‘common sense’, within a  principle or a standard, by which the matter of all things and all beings may be judged and decided.


2021 is the air of knowing all the answers.

Deliver the ULHC PHERO KSP 2021 Bug. 

Post: Not available at the moment.


2022 is for transparency and understanding

Justify the ULHC PHERO KSP 2022 Bug 

Post: Not available at the moment.


In the beginnings of 2023, it is justified to ask oneself, ‘What are we really doing?’

Recoup the ULHC  PHERO KSP 2023 Ground

Post: Not available at the moment.


I prefer to emphasise characterisation and human conflict

Display the ULHC PHERO KSP 2024 Dictum.

Post: Not available at the moment.

I accuse the establishment for the assassination of a Prime Minister.

My preparatory statement:

Shared with Public. 

Posted by Kuldip Singh, THU, September 05, 2024 

The establishment is a crime ridden neighbourhood. The establishment has left its fingerprints all over the crime scenes. But let us just focus on one of its crimes to understand how it works and why it should be brought to justice. The purpose is to bring the present state justice to justice.

The purpose of committing the crime was to obtain an advantage and  benefits, as they thought it would profit the establishment to change the system. To obtain a financial advantage, as not only were the lawyers to profit from the episode but the fixers in between and all around as those who make arrangements for other people, especially of an illicit or devious kind. The method may have seemed longer and less direct than the most straightforward ways but it shows a skilful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals; forbidden by their law, rules, or customs and yet to serve the establishments law, rules, or customs. 

In the history of the past fifty years there are some clear cut notions, ideas and assumptions that give evidence to prove that history is written for a purpose and the lessons in school are meant to support the establishment to maintain its rule and continuity. The signs of cowardice to question the system are cemented early in the upbringing of the children and a method of mind shackling in the teaching profession. The deceptions and illusions of the economical system is another. The concept of power and the rule of the law, not to mention the absurdities of religion, together convey a notion of the conviction that words can be used in different ways to serve a motive and a purpose. Making up a story to cover the facts we cannot accept or a decision not to question a malfunctioning system should lead to accusations of cowardice. A society where the cowards are given privileges while those that seek the true path of nature are suppressed is again a system where the historians show a lack of the theoretical or practical understanding of their subject to gain knowledge based on and characterised by the methods and principles of science and scientific investigation. Taking the mind from the natural science and nature of things and translating it into the pure human sciences, humanists are beings that have created artefacts to serve their own purpose. Advancing their knowledge of the mind, to twist and turn and to deceive and to lie, and so on. Taking to manipulate and to propagate. By a breeding of specimens of human kind by natural processes from the parent stock and by spreading a thought and promoting it widely transmitted in a particular direction or through a medium poaching the vulnerable that is exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally or socially or financially or physiologically.  

And because, it is of great significance and value to share again, or more than once, something I have already shared with the Public:

Kuldip Singh(Post extracted from domain

Here follows my case study:

Shared with Public. 

Kuldip Singh (Post extracted from domain

Posted by Kuldip Singh FRI, September 07, 2018. 15:30

The Establishment generally denotes a dominant group or elite that holds power or authority in a society, a nation or an organisation. The structure may be a closed social group which selects its own members or specific entrenched elite structures, either in government or in specific institutions. It collaborates with a state religion or as in the present state of a non state  church but as an 'established church' which has , the endorsement of its members represented by the political parties and the monarchy on the same terms with the nation's government.

By the Establishment, I do not only mean the centres of official power, though they are certainly part of it, but rather the whole matrix of official and social relations within which power is exercised. The exercise of power in Sweden, more specifically, in Sweden, cannot be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially.

Exposing the secret society's established in Stockholm between 1975 and 1985, with roots from the pre-war years and post-war era of the 1950's, explains how these men and women worked together to build their society within the nation together with the nations, with similar societies, to get a control of the rest of the world. It also explains how all the wars from that times, to today, were deliberately created to control the economies of all the nations. 

To understand the phenomenology of circumstances there is a need to establish some rules and definitions such as:

  • Conspiracy (civil), an agreement between people to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights or to gain an unfair advantage
  • Conspiracy (criminal), an agreement between people to break the law in the future, in some cases having committed an act to further that agreement
  • Conspiracy (political), an agreement between people with the goal of gaining political power or meeting a political objective
  • Hub-and-spoke conspiracy, a conspiracy in which one or more principal conspirators, such as the 'hub' or 'doyen' or 'Nestor', enter into several similar agreements with others, the 'spokes', who know concerted action is contemplated, usually where the success of the concerted action depends on the participation of the other spokes.

Bringing these four pillars together, a plot was conceived in the house of the Swedish Church, in collaboration with the institute of Theology, to implement a plan to weaken the strength of the trade unions and to inhibit the growth of their financial resources and funds. Since, with the support of the Social Democratic movement, under the leadership of their elected Prime Minister, the increasing presence and strength of the representatives of the trade union in the corporate board rooms was becoming an uncomfortable itching sensation for the pure capitalists and other institutional enterprises. The learnings of sociology had also contributed to the consciousness of the individuals regarding all kinds of immoral activities of the institutions of the church and the monarchy. The church, had lost all control, at all levels of the educational and cultural departments, since the portfolio of the Ministry of Church was discontinued, while the foundation of the State Church was questioned, in the post war era, and a growing number of citizens asked for the Monarchy to be abolished. With the support of the Danish Lutheran movement and a programme for initiating a revised educational system in the Nordic countries, beginning around the shift of the millennium, a group was set up within the Nordiska Rådet, in the early 1970's to present a foundation for an educational structure for a revised system. To put all these changes in place the one person that strongly defended the real values of true social democratic movement, in the process of kicking out the church from the department of education and culture and for his support giving the workers more power in the corporate board rooms, Prime Minister Olof Palme had to be eliminated. To execute the plan only the movement of the People and Defence, at a conference in Storlien, could sanction the reaping of a bountiful harvest as then they scythed the Prime Minister of the country and many of his closest linked co-workers in order to slowly change the system, in an attempt to reinstate the power of a monarchy, the church and the allied enterprises, around a Nestor of the private economy. The king was present at that conference. The process was to be called 'The System Change', to re-establish the more conservative values of the church in the society by creating waves of sorrow and all that dejection; setting off the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis as in a civil war; and then to implement the injection of the values of the church, triggering the symptoms of allergic reactions such as racial and religious discrimination; and giving the institutions of capitalism a ground to recuperate control in the corporate board rooms with a whole conservative political agenda financed by an alliance of private economy based on taking resources off the taxpayers and the trade union funds to finance the system of private entrepreneurialism.

In the study of economics and market competition, after the assassination of the Prime Minister of Sweden and changes in the socialist and many of the communist states in Europe, right wing social democrats, including the communists, took their chances and advantages to act and support on the grounds for the enhancing System Change. Collusions took place within industries when many rival companies cooperated for the mutual benefit. Collusions most often took place within the market structures of oligopoly, as in the market structures of Russia, where the decision of a few firms to collude could significantly impact the market as a whole. Collusion being overt, on the other hand, became known as a tacit collusion, and therefore considered legal.

Cronyism became the practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends, family relatives or trusted colleagues, especially in politics and between politicians and supportive organisations. For instance, this included appointing 'cronies' for the crown, to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications within the allied parties. In a country like Sweden, with a low population density, many of these appointed cronies had to be the women without any experience whatsoever and appropriate qualifications for the job. A development of the telecommunication systems introduced cell phones, i-phones and also smart phones to give the cronies all kinds of on-line support to maintain their positions regardless of a lack of qualifications. As such they were not only appointed 'cronies' but also the 'phoneys', as much of the System Change was a covert operation of an invasion. A leading professor at the Department for Peace and Conflict Research proved his ignorance in the definitions of the terms peace and conflict when he suggested a ceremonial glorification of the monarchial system which has, during its present two hundred years of a direct line of descent and family traditions, not promoted or participated in any actions of war or a destabilisation of the democratic process. He simply had not learnt that the church and the monarchy with the aid of the allied private enterprises are a representation of colonialists that are and have oppressed the Swedish people for more than five hundred years. And that the act of System Change is an act of war against the Swedish democratic system to maintain their position of oppression. It is said, to accord to the learnings of this Department for Peace and Conflict Research, only by the presence of a foreign army or military force could a state of war or conflict be met with their definition of war or peace, conflict or resolution.

A state within a state or an inside state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ, 'inside state', such as the armed forces or public authorities, i.e. intelligence agencies, police, secret police, administrative agencies, and branches of government bureaucracy, that does not respond to the democratic civilian political leadership. And with a growing private entrepreneurship the doors were now wide open for all kinds of inside states and institutions including the rule of the stock market with the aid of insiders. As the monarchy grew fatter and brought in relatives and friends into their close circuit of courtiers, nepotism was everywhere. The Kings court, as all members and collaborators of the monarchy were breeding at a high pace in their burrows. Although the state within a state, by nature, can be conspiratorial, the inside state could also be a form of entrenched unelected career civil servants acting in a non-conspiratorial manner, to further their own interests, e.g. continuity of the state as distinct from the administration, job security, enhanced power and authority, pursuit of ideological goals and objectives, and the general growth of their agency, like the Swedish Church and the Roman Catholic Church in opposition to the policies of elected officials, by obstructing, resisting, and subverting the policies, conditions and directives of elected officials. 

Sometimes, the term refers to state companies that, though formally under the command of the government, now begin to act 'de facto' like private corporations. Sometimes, the term refers to companies, though formally private, act de facto like 'states within a state'. The iron law of oligarchy is a political theory, first developed by a sociologist in a book, Political Parties. It claims that rule by an elite, or oligarchy, is inevitable as an 'iron law' within any democratic organisation as part of the 'tactical and technical necessities' of organisation. All complex organisations, regardless of how democratic they are when started, eventually develop into oligarchies is what he states in his theory. On the grounds that no sufficiently large and complex organisation can function purely as a direct democracy, power within an organisation; of the people, for the people, by the people; it will always be delegated to individuals within that group, elected or otherwise. All observations from the process of a System Change in Sweden support these learnings. 

Elitism as a phenomena is closely related to social class, what sociologists call social stratification, which in the Anglo Saxon tradition have long been anchored in the 'blue blood' claims of hereditary and nobility. Members of the upper classes are sometimes known as the social elite. The term elitism is also sometimes used to denote situations in which a group of people claiming to possess high abilities or simply an in-group or cadre grant themselves extra privileges at the expense of others. This form of elitism fulfils the criteria for applied  discrimination. Giving promotions and favourable positions in the society to those within a circle of friends and colleagues as in the academic rule of a white supremacy.

Elitism is also the belief or attitude that individuals who form an elite, a select group of people with certain relating bonds, intrinsic quality, high intellect, wealth, special skills, or experience, are more likely to be highly constructive to society as a whole, and therefore deserve the influence or any authority greater than others. In a similar way the term elitism, in the United States, often refers to the concentration of power in the Northeast Corridor and on the West Coast, where the typical American elite resides, journalists, lawyers, doctors, high-level civil servants such as White House aides, business people, university lecturers, entrepreneurs, and financial advisors in the quaternary sector, often in the established technological or political catchments of their higher education alma mater. As in Sweden, Stockholm - Gävle and Malmö - Gothenburg correspond to the similar  eastern and a western hub of elite concentration in the USA.

To understand establishments and elite groups in their social structures the economics of market competition has made it possible to define the main groupings identified in Sweden. For the sake of simplicity the categories are called cabals, christians and political classes. A cabal is a small group of people united in some close design, such as a monarchy, or a family enterprise, usually to promote their private views of or interests in an ideology, state, or other community, often by intrigue and usually unbeknownst to those outside their group. The use of this term usually carries negative connotations of political purpose, conspiracy and secrecy. It can also refer to a secret plot, or a clique of people, or may be used as a verb to form a cabal or to conspire secretly. 

A Christian state is a country that recognises a form of Christianity as its official religion and often has a state church, which is a Christian denomination that supports the government and the monarchy and, in return, is supported by the government and the monarchy.

Political class, or political elite is a concept in comparative political science originally developed by a political theorist. It refers to the relatively small group of activists that is highly aware and active in politics, and from whom the national leadership is largely drawn. As Max Weber noted, they not only live 'for politics', like the old notables used to, but make their careers 'off politics' as policy specialists and experts on specific fields of public administration. He approached the study of the political class by examining the mechanisms of reproduction and renewal of the ruling class; the characteristics of politicians; and the different forms of formal and informal organisational structures that developed in their wielding of power by wedding in webs a political party and parties.

In political and sociological theory, the elite are a small group of powerful people who hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, political power, or skill in a society. Defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, 'an elite' are 'those people or organisations that are considered the best or the most powerful compared to others of a similar type.' 

An anti-establishment view or belief is one which stands in opposition to the conventional social, political, and economic principles of a society. The term was first used in the modern sense, by a British magazine to refer to the political and social agenda of 'The Statesman'. An expression for such a political philosophy is called anti-establishmentarianism.

Looking at the consequences of the 'System Change' in a comprehensive version and the way how the system has worked, we can understand what really did happen and why the Swedes never woke up to defend themselves as expected from the often recurrence of waves triggering sorrow and the dejection of tragedies in all kinds of designs engineering a catastrophising in the environment and the social structures of society. People only had the strength and the courage to comply spending their money on flowers and candles to express that they were filled with remorse. And the church and its allies continued to benefit from it. With a cloud of dust in all conspiracy theories transmitted, it also became a mystery, of an unknown kind, and a blindness made it impossible to find the assassinator of the Prime Minister. 

Everyone thought

  • we cannot blame the invaders, we can only prosecute the collaborators
  • the invaders have acted correctly and in their correctness have entrapped many of the collaborators into a behaviour of complicity
  • this accepting of the unnatural as natural is the crime of the collaborators 
  • no tanks rolled into the capital and the streets
  • the civilians were not forced to make way for the invaders
  • the citizens were also offered seats, privileges and promotion in their careers by the invaders in their take overs 


  • they offered the feminists prominent positions in the society
  • they showed concern for the children and the old as the invaders on the whole, were told to behave correctly and that being well disciplined in doing so they were accepted

In almost all of the cases investigated, most of the appointed cronies were women who became the most reliable collaborators and could witness in support of the invaders. In other words, the women in the implementation of the feministic ideals and christian values have made the perfect ground for a civil war which has benefited the cause of the invaders.

In the state of utmost satisfaction no one wanted to catch the criminals that assassinated their Prime Minister. Because they themselves had asked for it at the conference in Storlien. That they could not be natural and revolt against the occupation is no excuse. They were natural because they were the occupants having taken control of the Organisation 'Folk och Försvar’. 

Now the question is how the society should, with a fragmenting social structure, break the power hubs of the webs of the social media, the pyramids of religion and the activity of the power politics collaborating with the corrupted media and journalists collaborating with the invaders, the cronies and the phoneys.

- My primary idea is that people, as humans, are condemned to be free.

- I am left alone, without excuse. I can act without being determined by my past which is always   separated from me. I care.

- I choose and make myself by acting. Any action implies the judgment that I am right under the circumstances not only for my action, but also for everybody else in similar circumstances. I understand.

- This indifference of 'things in themselves', closely linked with the later notion of 'being-in-itself' in ones Being and in Ones Nothingness, has the effect of highlighting all the more freedom to perceive and act in the world; for everywhere I look, I find situations imbued with meaning which bears the stamp of my existence. I justify.

- Asking myself, 'What is the quality of existence?', I find answers.

- The idea of the autonomy of the will that morality is derived from my ability to choose in reality; the ability to choose being derived from human freedom; embodied in the famous saying, 'Condemned to be free' as a way to show the world's indifference to my individuality. The freedom that I as a thinker and philosopher expose here becomes a strong burden, for my freedom to act towards a functional democracy, as the practical application of my ideas prove to be bitterly rejected by the trinity of the establishment in their armies of lovers, the pyramids of the religions and the power politics of the constitutional political classes as all three of them benefit from their constitutional crimes.

- Analysis of psychological concepts, including my suggestion that my consciousness does exist as something other than itself, and that the conscious awareness of things is not limited to my knowledge; as other thinkers and philosophers intentionally apply it to the emotions and to cognitions, to desires as well as to perceptions. 'When an external object is perceived, consciousness is also conscious of itself, even if consciousness is not its own object: it is a non-positional consciousness of itself.' 

- So, I must act to dismantle the establishment as it is perceivable and as it is not perceivable and present my case to build my community of scholars, for a republic of learning.

- I must create my own position of a Presidency and the Jarl for my tribe and my people.

The phrase 'the Man is keeping me down' is commonly used to describe oppression in cases when 'The Man' is a slang phrase that may refer to the government, the Monarchy, The Political Party, the Church or some other authority in a position of power. It may also serve as a term of respect and support in the phrase, 'stick to the Man', which encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means 'fight back' or 'resist', either passively or openly on the true path of nature and if necessary by action, in contrast to what is expressed in the former patriarchal  derogatory connotation. I have chosen the latter definition as my aim is to fight the establishment, the elite and the authority. This  trinity of the christian establishment corresponds to love, religion and crime to which, in my campaign motion, I say, 'No!, No!, No!' and Yes! Yes! to Just Play the Game for my Presidency in the making of a Community of Scholars for a Republic of Learning.

I hereby conclude my presentation of evidence and arguments in a lawsuit said to show that I assume that I have presented sufficient evidence for my views.

Therefore, I rest my case on behalf of my tribe and my people.

This is a case, not for the courts to decide dressed in their clothes of their establishment but for the tribes and the peoples to decide dressed in the clothes of righteousness. 

Your vote for me is a vote for righteousness to prosecute the establishment, composed of the Monarchy, the Church, the Class of Party politics and the organisations of Private Entrepreneurs and the members of the movement Folk och Försvar that sanctioned the warrant, to authorise and necessitate the course of action for the assassination of a Prime Minister.

Kuldip Singh

For Presidency.


Posted by Kuldip Singh FRI, September 07, 2018. 15:30